Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Have you ever heard the quiet but persistent, sweet voice of God telling you to do something you just aren’t sure about? Maybe it is just out of the realm of your comfort zone and you give God a simple “thanks, but no thanks.”  Then the voice gently nudges you again and again until you think “this must really be something I am supposed to do” BUT…then the excuses start setting in.  Some of my favorites are, “I would really love to BUT I have no idea how or where to start, or people might criticize me if I do that, or I am just too scared to put myself out there.” We are definitely not the first to question our abilities.  In Exodus chapter 3, even Moses questions his calling to deliver Israel from Egypt. Exodus 3:11 says “And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?” Even after God tells him He will be with him and gives him 3 signs to prove he was sent from God, he questions his ability again in Exodus 4:10: “ And Moses said unto the Lord, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou has spoke unto thy  servant: but I am slow to speech, and of a slow tongue."  Moses has the same problems as many of us do.  We lack courage and confidence.  God could have easily used Aaron who was a much better speaker and more confident in his abilities, but He didn’t.  He  had a plan for Moses despite his imperfections because God knows that with the power of the Holy Spirit nothing is impossible.  He will make a way when it is His will. I am writing this now and feel very much like Moses.  God kept telling me “Wendy I want you to write”.  Then the excuses set in "but God I don’t know what to say” “but God people might get offended or judge me” “but God I am not a very good writer” “but God I am not very knowledgeable in any subject matter”.   We all have feelings of inadaquecy, but instead of running from the task at hand, we should use these feelings to draw closer to God who gives us strength.   He has been working on me a very long time.  His patience and mercy are amazing.  As much as I would like to think this life is about what I want, I am coming to see, life is beyond me.


  1. I'm not sure how this popped up and I found it, but that is a great post, Wendy. And so true.

  2. This is fantastic! So proud of you! 😄

  3. Very good read. Almost exactly what I wanted to write but never got around to it.
    I'm anxiously waiting for the next entry.
